Sunday, July 5, 2009

Britney Spears is dead! Oh wait Twitter just got hacked.. again..

The much touted microblogging social network Twitter just can't seem to stay out of the news lately, according to Britney Spears Twitter profile apparently "Britney has passed today. It is a sad day for everyone. More news to come.." and I have to say it was well timed having so many famous celebrities pass away so recently, I'm sure fans who saw this were shocked and saddened by the posting but the fact is she's not dead however her Twitter profile was compromised yet again through the TwitPic service which allows you to upload images with captions directly to your Twitter account, this just after they said "We've implemented a fix for the email posting vulnerability, a full blog post explaining the issue will be released soon"

These flaws are nothing new to Twitter back in January, 2009 around New Years followers of the singer were informed that her vagina was four feet wide "with razor sharp teeth". According to Mashable there were other celebrity attacks during this time including Bill O'Riley being called gay.

Well the guys over at TwitPwn are doing something about it, they're calling July, 2009 the Month of Twitter bugs and rightfully so, in an attempt to raise awareness of the massive amounts of code exploits, cross-site scripting errors, API "issues" and just plain bad coding. My hats off to you guys, hopefully something becomes of it.

So on that note I'm dubbing Twitter - The Black Sheep of Social Networking(©™ and stuff).

I really hope Twitter irons out the kinks, as for me don't be surprised if you can't tweet about this blog posting directly off my blog or you can't follow me on Twitter.


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